The Research Institute for Geo-Hydrological Protection (IRPI, is part of CNR (Italian National Research Council). IRPI is a Competence Centre (preferential consultant) of the Italian National Department of Civil Defence in case of floods and landslide disasters. The research carried out at the branch of Padova, is focused on the major drivers of hydro-geological risk. IRPI is coordination WP4, addressing the numerical and physical modelling of debris flows, to support the development of the sensors, lab tests and data validation. Moreover, IRPI is collaborating to the development of the pressure sensors (WP1 and WP2).

Alessandro Pasuto
WP4 Leader
Luca Schenato
Team member
Researcher at IRPI, he has expertise in optical fiber sensors for geotechnical applications and geo-hazard monitoring and mitigation. He is contributing to the development of the pressure sensors and to the design of the laboratory test beds.
Pia Rosella Tecca
Team member
Researcher at IRPI, she is a geologist with expertise in debris flow and landslides. She is developing the debris flow numerical model and will contribute to the experiments about debris flow monitoring.
Andrea Deganutti
Team member
Hydraulic engineer, PhD in Geology, he is an expert in exceptional weather events, debris-flow rheology, and triggering of rapid flows. He is a technologist at IRPI and is developing the debris flow numerical model and will contribute to the experiments about debris flow monitoring.
Gianluca Marcato
Team member
Researcher geologist, he is an expert on field monitoring, installation and management of standard sensors.